Helping You Manifest Your Musical Visions Every Step Of The Way Possible



Starting Rate @ $70/Hour
The recording phase tends to be overlooked by many to be a big factor on cutting a potential hit record. 

All Veterans, use promo code (Aim High) and receive a 25 percent discount.

We have a variety of Class A microphones and hardware that will ensure you to get the finest recordings possible.


Starting Rate @ $150 Per Track (2TRK and vocals), $300 (Trackouts and Vocals)
Mixing can make or break a record, being the process of fining all the individual sounds and making them sound at its fullest.

We are well-equipped with a mass library of sounds, VSTs, & plug-ins as well as hardware to provide you the best of both worlds (analog and digital).


Starting Rate @ $75 Per Track
Mastering is "the icing-on-the-cake" of producing a record; bringing the overall level of mixed records to an average where they sound in unison just as if it's a movie.

We make sure that all the proper codings get embedded into your songs, and that they meet the "radio-ready" professional standards, before you make copies and distribute them.

ALL service inquiries require to pay an advanced first hour deposit.
Please Contact Us Before Submitting Any Payments.

Taxes may be applicable.